Saturday, April 3, 2010

When Friendship Ends..

Howdy people! =) Ah.. finally I have the time to blog. You guys know de lah i'm sooooo "busy" =P Things are going fine in Kuching~ Living quite a happy life~ Love it actually. Hm.. Lately i'm very into "friendship" this topic. I've been thinking about it too.

Friendship.. It is always happy when it just started, everything feels so good and smooth cause we know that our friend is always at our back (backing us up). But when it ends, tears can come out non-stop, you can even think about it every day of that friend, and honestly for me, i think it can be compared to breaking up with a bf. It just feels sorta the same.

Sometimes i asked myself, is all friends good at first and always end up fighting or ignoring each other? Or that friends is suppose to be like this, thats why we all have never ending friends? There are so many types of friends (for me) :
-Really really good friend that can text msg everyday
-Friends that used to be very good and suddenly not contacting (usual)
-Friends that used to be best friend and just start ignoring you
-Friends that think you back stabbed her
-Friends that pushes you away
-Friends that act fake in front of you?
-Friends that you can see being fake to each other
-Friends that misses friend when knowing no one misses her

Hm, now i think i know, why do people think that other people change. Actually, for me, maybe that person didnt change. Maybe because the gap between each other becomes bigger and suddenly when they saw that person, they think the person change. Or maybe the person did change, or I should say just being themselves when we thought they are actually different. There is no right and wrong between friends right? Because i think they are just being who they are. Maybe it is I who always think the wrong way? -shrug-

Ah~ I'm talking crap already. Goodnight.

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